Ok so a couple of days ago I wrote a post describing how to setup OBS and Ableton using ASIO4All and VoiceMeeter to try and capture audio output and stream it. That worked…as long as you had no intention of trying to play an instrument along with the audio you were hearing at the same time. So forget all the stuff me from three days ago wrote and instead use my new and improved version.
My Setup:
- Ableton Live 10 Standard (again I suspect this should work with just about any DAW)
- Focusrite 2i2 USB Audio Interface (other manufactures should also work just fine too)
- Open Broadcaster Software
- ASIO plugin for OBS-Studio
- ODeus ASIO Link Pro
So as before run through your normal installation of Ableton, OBS, and the official drivers from Focusrite (or whom ever created your hardware interface).
Download the ASIO plugin for OBS Studio and follow the instructions on getting it installed.
Once you are done with that visit the ODeus ASIO Link Pro site, download the software and the patcher and install them.
Still with me? Ok…let’s do this.
Ableton Setup
In Ableton under Preferences -> Audio we want to select ASIO Link Pro as your audio device.

This will open the ASIO Link Pro window. If it prompts you to pick a driver select the ASIO driver provided by your hardware manufacture. In this case I selected the Focusrite USB ASIO driver.
The first time I saw the ASIO Link Pro setup screen it looked like this

The instructions for this amazing piece of software is a bit….well I didn’t find any so I fumbled around a bit. To save you all the time we need to make a couple of quick modifications.
- Draw a line from ASIO DRIVER OUT MIX 1 -> NETWORK OUT 1
- Draw a line from ASIO DRIVER OUT MIX 2 -> NETWORK OUT 2
- Under NETWORK OUT check Enable Connection
When you are done you should have a configuration that looks like this:

You can verify things are working by starting to play something in Ableton and all the boxes should start animating.

You should be hearing sweet sweet audio out of your hardware interface and now it is time to switch over to OBS.
In the Sources box in OBS we want to add a new ASIO Input device with the following selections
- Device -> ASIO Link Pro
- OBS Channel 1 -> ASIO Link Multiclient 0 LinkIn1
- OBS Channel 2 -> ASIO Link Multiclient 1 LinkIn2
A new window for ASIO Link Pro should open up but this time instead of our Focusrite driver the driver selected should be ASIO Link Multiclient.
We want to make the following configuration changes
- Network In -> Enable Connection
- Draw a line from NETWORK IN 1 -> ASIO HOST IN MIX 1
- Draw a line from NETWORK IN 2 -> ASIO HOST IN MIX 2
It should look something like this when you are done.

You’ll know it is all working when you start playing audio out of Ableton and OBS lights up like a Christmas tree.

There you have it. Low latency audio captured clearly, and you didn’t have to pay Apple a dime.
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